Montana Marriage and Family Therapist CE Requirements and Courses
Montana Marriage and Family Therapist CE Requirements
Fulfill your Montana marriage and family therapist license renewal requirements today. To complete your marriage and family therapist CE, select the desired courses, or access our full catalog anytime with an Unlimited Subscription.
Montana Marriage and Family Therapist CE Requirements and Courses Requirements
How many CEs does Montana require?
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Can I take my CEs from CE4Less?
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As of March 30, 2019 the board will no longer approve sponsors or courses as the licensees must choose CE that meets the professional education objectives established in the CE requirements.
20 Hours Required each licensing period.
Applicants licensed before July 1 of the renewal year will be required to fulfill the 20-hour requirement. Those licensed after July 1 are required to obtain one-half of the 20-hour requirement, and those licensed after October 1 will not be required to obtain continuing education credits for renewal.
If a licensee completes more than 20 hours of CE, excess hours in an amount not to exceed 20 hours may be carried forward to the next year.
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