Course List

A Collaborative Approach to the Treatment of Pregnant Women With Opioid Use Disorders E9195

A Practitioner’s Guide to Telemental Health: How to Conduct Legal, Ethical, and Evidence-Based Telepractice T9088

ACA Code of Ethics 2014 E053C

Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment E9117B

ADHD in Adults, Advances in Psychotherapy T084B

Adolescents And Addiction E9160B

Affirmative Counseling for Transgender and Gender Diverse Clients T115

Aging and Long-Term Care – 10 Hours E232

Aging and Long-Term Care E123B

Alcoholic-related Liver Disease: Treatment And Rehabilitation E214

Alcoholism And Addiction In The Elderly E9159B

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia T2091B

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia T9091B

Alzheimer’s Disease E227

An Introduction to Chronic Pain and Chronic Pain Education E275

An Introduction to Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care E277

Anabolic Steroid Use, Misuse And Addiction E198

Anger Management for Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Manual E243

Anorexia Nervosa T112

APA Ethics Code 2017 – Ethics CE T017

Autism Spectrum Disorder, Advances in Psychotherapy T9090

Benzodiazepines E223

Binge Drinking and Alcohol Misuse Among College Students and Young Adults, Advances in Psychotherapy T9100

Bipolar Disorder 2nd Edition, Advances in Psychotherapy T069B

Bipolar Disorder and Substance Use Disorder E233

Body Dysmorphic Disorder T116

Brain Injuries E219

Bullying and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents E281

Bullying in Children and Adolescents E199

Buprenorphine-Naloxone E220

Burnout and Wellness in Social Workers, Psychologists, and Counselors E9174C

Burnout and Wellness in Social Workers, Psychologists, and Counselors E2174C

Buzzed – The Straight Facts About the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy, 5th Edition T9050C

Buzzed – The Straight Facts About the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy, 5th Edition T2050C

California Culture and the Social and Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Position Part 1: California Cultures and Social Determinants of Health E259

California Culture and the Social and Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Position Part 2: Social Construction in Assessment and Treatment E260

California Cultures and the Psychosocial Implications of Socioeconomic Position Part 3. Social Determinants of Health: Policy and Community Interventions E261

California Law and Ethics for Psychologists Key Concepts Review E070B

California Law and Professional Ethics CA05B

California Law and Professional Ethics E056I

Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting E2153E

Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting E9153E

Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting in California E250

Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Made Simple T2056D

Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Made Simple T9056D

Child Maltreatment Part I: Child Abuse and Neglect E255

Child Maltreatment Part II: Child Protective Services and Mandatory Reporting E256

Child Maltreatment Part III: Understanding, Assessing, and Responding to Abused and Neglected Children E9249

Child Maltreatment Part III: Understanding, Assessing, and Responding to Abused and Neglected Children E2249

Childhood Maltreatment T2113

Childhood Maltreatment T9113

Childhood Obesity, Advances in Psychotherapy T101

Clinical Management of Depressive Symptoms in the Context of Substance Use E271

Clinical Psychopharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple (10th Edition) T006F

Clinical Supervision and Professional Development of the Substance Abuse Counselor – Updated E9081B

Clinical Supervision and Professional Development of the Substance Abuse Counselor – Updated E2081B

Clinicians in Court: A Guide to Subpoenas, Depositions, Testifying, and Everything Else You Need to Know – Second Edition T009B

Cocaine Use Disorder E229

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Illustrations: Demonstration of Key Interventions for Common Clinical Presentations and Problems E9246

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Illustrations: Demonstration of Key Interventions for Common Clinical Presentations and Problems E2246

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Eating Disorders E265

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Overview, Strategies, And Interventions for Common Clinical Presentations and Problems E9245

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Overview, Strategies, And Interventions for Common Clinical Presentations and Problems E2245

Confidentiality: The HIPAA Privacy Rule And 42 CFR Part 2 E2054E

Confidentiality: The HIPAA Privacy Rule And 42 CFR Part 2 E9054E

Crisis Care and Service Systems Part 1: SAMHSA’s National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care: Best Practice Toolkit E268

Crisis Care and Service Systems Part 2: Crisis Services Implementation and Infrastructure E270

Crisis Care and Service Systems Part 3: Crisis Care for Various Populations E273

Cultural Clinical Psychology and PTSD T110

Culture and the Psychosocial Implications of Socioeconomic Position Part 3. Social Determinants of Health: Policy and Community Interventions E9258

Culture and the Psychosocial Implications of Socioeconomic Position Part 3. Social Determinants of Health: Policy and Community Interventions E2258

Culture and the Psychosocial Implications of Socioeconomic Position Part 1: Culture and Social Determinants of Health E248

Culture and the Social and Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Position Part 2: Social Construction in Assessment and Treatment E9251

Culture and the Social and Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Position Part 2: Social Construction in Assessment and Treatment E2251

​Dropping the Baby and Other Scary Thoughts, 2nd Edition​ T058B

DSM-5-TR: A Comprehensive Overview E126C

e-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults – Introduction E215

Early Intervention, Treatment, and Management of Substance Use Disorders E9207

Elder Abuse E073B

Epilepsy E9142B

Ethics And Boundary Issues E2097I

Ethics and Telemental Health E244B

Ethics and Telemental Health for California Mental Health Providers CA06

Fentanyl E221

Fertility and Sexual Health Interviews E264

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Identification, Prevention, and Intervention E169B

Florida Laws and Rules for Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Counselors E125C

Florida Statutes and Rules Affecting the Practice of Psychology E030C

Frontotemporal Disorders E9193

Gambling Disorder: Ethics and Treatment E276

Hallucinogens And Dissociative Drug Use And Addiction E200

Headache, Advances in Psychotherapy T9085

Health Care Systems and Substance Use Disorders E9208

Heroin Addiction And The Opioid Pandemic E196

HIV/AIDS: A Comprehensive Review E122

HIV/AIDS: An Overview E2143C

HIV/AIDS: An Overview E9143C

Human Sexuality: Across the Lifespan E262

Human Trafficking E263

Implicit Bias: Awareness and Management for Mental Health Professionals E279

Inhalant Use Disorder E9187

Insomnia T105

Internet Addiction, Advances in Psychotherapy T103

Intimate Partner Violence E2242

Intimate Partner Violence E9242

Intimate Partner Violence in Culturally Diverse Groups and Special Populations E9238

Intimate Partner Violence in Culturally Diverse Groups and Special Populations E2238

Intimate Partner Violence: Assessment, Safety Planning, Trauma, Sociocultural Aspects, Perpetrator Dynamics, and Legal Issues E235

Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence Based Interventions Part I E236

Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence Based Interventions Part II E237

Intimate Partner Violence: Prevalence, Indicators, and Theories E234

Issues in Domestic Violence: Introduction and Theories E098C

Issues in Domestic Violence: Prevention of Domestic Violence E114B

Key Issues in Screening and Assessment of Co-occurring Disorders in the Justice System E211

Learning the Language of Addiction Counseling – Fourth Edition T9033C

Mandatory Abuse Reporting E069D

Marijuana And Substance Use Disorder, Part 1: a historical perspective and DSM-5 overview E9183

Marijuana And Substance Use Disorder, Part 2: Screening and Treatment E184B

Marijuana Overview E274

MDMA – Ecstasy: A Current Overview E209

Medical Marijuana E197

Medications for Opioid Use Disorder E224

Migraine Pain E228

Mindfulness, Advances in Psychotherapy T087

Mindfulness Interventions in Clinical Practice E284

Motivational Interviewing E141C

NASW Code of Ethics T034B

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome E201

New Techniques of Grief Therapy: Bereavement and Beyond T2099B

New Techniques of Grief Therapy: Bereavement and Beyond T9099B

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Elements, History, Treatment, and Research T114

Parkinson’s Disease E217B

Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma E247

Preventing and Responding to Suicide Clusters in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities E194

Preventing Medical Errors: Best Practices for Mental Health Professionals – Psychologists E040MP

Preventing Medical Errors: Best Practices for Mental Health Professionals E040M

Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Changing the Culture and Climate that Drives It E239
Psychosocial Interventions for Older Adults with Serious Mental Illness E283

Refractory Mood And Psychosis E9182

Reunification Family Therapy: A Treatment Manual T104

Sexuality in Context and Sexually Transmitted Infections E266

Sleep – An Overview E170

Sleep Disorders Part 1: Children and Adolescents E154C

Sleep Disorders Part 3: The Elderly E158C

Sleep Disorders Part II: Adults E157C

Spousal Abuse Assessment and Reporting 15 hours E240

Spousal or Partner Abuse Assessment, Detection and Intervention Strategies E107C

Substance Misuse – Introduction and Overview E204

Substance Misuse Prevention Programs and Policies E282

Substance Use And Addiction Disorders, Parts 1 & 2 E9185

Substance Use And Addiction Disorders, Parts 3 & 4 E9186

Substance Use and Addiction During Pregnancy E9190

Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Family and Organizational Cultures E272

Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Family Counseling Approaches E269

Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Working with Families E267

Substance Use Problems: Advances in Psychotherapy T9076B

Substance-Induced Psychosis E216

Suicide: Assessment, Treatment, and Management E2137D

Suicide: Assessment, Treatment, and Management E9137D

Supervision Essentials for the Practice of Competency-Based Supervision T086

Supervision: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals E068C

Telemental Health Practice E2241

Telemental Health Practice E9241

Tennessee Psychologist Code and Rules E106C

The Effects of Trauma E278

The Neurobiology of Substance Use, Misuse, and Addiction E9205

The Schizophrenia Spectrum T062B

The Value of Empathy in the Patient-Clinician Relationship E225

Therapeutic Communities E9039B

Tobacco Use Disorder and Smoking Cessation E9188

Topics in Human Sexuality: Sexual Disorders and Sex Therapy E092B

Trauma Awareness E164B

Trauma Screening and Assessment E166B

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents E9252

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents E2252

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment For Veterans And Military Service Members With PTSD E9257

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment For Veterans And Military Service Members With PTSD E2257

Trauma-Informed Screening, Assessment, and Treatment E280

Treatment Considerations for Youth and Young Adults with Serious Emotional Disturbances and Serious Mental Illnesses and Co-occurring Substance Use E253

Treatment for Suicidal Ideation, Self-Harm, and Suicide Attempts Among Youth E254

Treatments That Work With Children: Empirically Supported Strategies for Managing Childhood Problems, 2nd Edition T002R

Understanding Cancer – Brain Tumors E9191

Understanding the Impact of Trauma E165C

Using HIPAA in the Real World: A Review E222

Using Technology-Based Therapeutic Tools in Behavioral Health Services E9177

Women And Bipolar Spectrum Disorders E9162B

Women and Drinking: Preventing Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies T9083B